miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


There was this point in which I got fed up of getting bits, whether it was the Fox videos or the CNN or the MSNBC or all those that, whether I agreed with them or not, were pre-filtering the information for me, including the tweets of the actor.

And I'm trying to be understanding because some people very dear to me defend him. So I played the press conference that some media were presenting as propaganda, a personal rally, rather than an informative press conference on COVID-19. And, yes, it was propaganda. In all fairness, some reporters were asking questions that were not related to the current progress of the fight against COVID-19—but also in all fairness, it was the speakers who started talking about other issues. It is true that some reporters were not the most polite and interrupted the speaker. But, mind, the one that interrupted most, and first, was the main speaker. Some reporters indeed spoke as if taking things personally; but hey, the conference started with a video attacking the media and the reporters, and polite or not, taking it personally or not, the worst behaviour I saw was either by the speaker or following his lead. He is their leader, after all, so he, in my eyes, is the only one to blame for his subjects' misled behaviour. And the only insults I heard were from the main speaker.

Now, there were some good moments in which I thought the answers given were reasonable for the circumstances. There was enough of them to think that, if the speaker wanted and had the data in his favour, he really could give a reasonable press conference. Even with all the mistakes and flaws in the actions taken (or not taken), he has the possibility of behaving reasonably. Probably he chooses not to. I prefer to think he chooses that than thinking he feels like a trapped rat.

However, there were too many misleading and manipulative statements. When he said, "When you look at Europe as a whole, they are doing much worse than we do"... Come on: when you look at any single administration, no one has as many cases and as fast growth. If you look at the number of cases in Europe, and you want to put it as a whole, then don't forget to see Europe as a whole when it comes to other facts. You said you have done more tests than any other country in the world? Let's see Europe as a whole, then: Europe has more tests than the USA (see the table below). With 616,168, the US has more cases than the next four countries combined (Spain, Italy, France and Germany, adding up to 616,016 cases—we would need to add Brunei, with 136, and Nepal, with 16, to reach the number of the US). The four mentioned European countries alone combine 3,325,383 tests—by contrast, the US has had 3,128,088 (impressive, yes, but not more than Europe as a whole). So to sum up, it may be that Europe as a whole is doing worse than you are, but the fact is that Europe as a whole is doing more tests than you do.

(source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries)

There are incompetent politicians everywhere, but if we use your criteria to judge reality, it comes out no single leader of any country is doing as bad as you. By far. No fake news: just using your methods of manipulation and falsehood.

Let's not compare with Europe, let's see it globally. We've said the USA has the largest number of cases of any single Government in the world. We could say it is simply more detected since they have more tests than anybody else in the world. But can we? The US has 30.39% of the world's cases (as of April 15th 2020). Counting only the countries with 70,000 tests or above, the US has less than 26% of the world's tests (this is a very conservative figure and it is probably much less than 26% since I couldn't find the number of tests that China has taken and I was counting as such just the confirmed cases, plus I left out many other countries):

In terms of cases per capita, or per million people, the US is way behind. Mind—there are 23 European countries (in the EU or not) and at least 6 European territories that are ahead of the US (feel free to check & count, but give or take a couple, I'm still safe). Oh, yes, it felt glorious to see Greenland in the list: now they must feel relieved that they were not purchased by the US:

I am going to show the first table again. Let's have a look at the total recovered. True, the pandemic was uncovered later in the US, so we need to give them time to recover. Considering the high figure of total cases, I really hope that the US gets also the highest number of total recovered. I sincerely do. Otherwise, they are going to have the largest number of deaths, and the American people deserve better. Please, everybody, stay safe.

BTW this is only one example of little research anybody can do to find all the manipulation that happened yesterday. Things like the previous administration destroying the COVID testing (or breaking them, or whatever he said)... He has been in Office for more than three years now, there was no COVID-19 one year ago so such testing did not exist under the previous administration—that is, no COVID-19 test could be broken or destroyed by anybody. Maybe he wanted to say something different and said it wrong, but, if they can't prepare his speech properly, why should anybody attend or watch these things? Why should we believe anything we hear?

There were many more traceable lies and misinformation, but enough for now. It was painful to watch (actually, I didn't watch most of it, I just listened to it while looking in a different direction). But you know what? Afterwards, I felt a huge peace of mind. Also, I was able to see positive things in both the incompetent speakers (there was more than one), in the competent ones (Steve something and Dr Fauci) and in the reporters. I was able to see negative things on both sides. I managed to read between some lines that I doubt the main speaker could identify when some of his people spoke—and I won't betray them here.

All in all, I got the impression there are quite a few reasons the US Government is seen as less and less reliable in other countries. While I still believe many among the media are manipulating the info for their interest, they are just a shadow of the manipulation displayed by the speakers. Not to talk about the lies and the lack of respect of those presenting this Press Propaganda briefing. After watching it, really, more than ever, I have reasons to believe what certain media show us on a daily basis. They may be manipulating a bit, but mainly, they are doing the dirty work of filtering the BS for us. They are saving our time from Presspaganda.

(P.S: if you want to give it a try, go ahead—just be warned, your feelings will be inclined in favour of the speaker due to the angle of recording. You may check how your feelings change by not looking at the video, just listen. However, it would be even more effective if you compare with your feelings when, instead of the speakers, one of the reporters is in the center of the screen: I feel it then stops being bad to become outrageous. Have fun).

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